Testimonies from past participants and volunteers.
If you’ve attended one of our events in the past, we’d love to hear about your experiences! Please indicate whether or not we may use your quote in promotional materials.
All quotes collected from minors are used with parental permission.
“I loved the Gala Ball and the self-confidence activities. I think that the wonderful talks helped me think differently about marriage.”
“I think it is awesome to stay abstinent until marriage. The retreat inspired me to go to another course about abstinence.”
“The most fun thing to do with my mom was getting her ready for the gala ball. The best part of the retreat was everything.”
“I believe that The Right to Wear White retreat gave me a deeper understanding of what purity is. I understood so much more about my mother and learned to appreciate her more.”
“The Right to Wear White was a touching and enlightening experience and it helped me make a promise to God that I will keep forever and ever and ever.”
Tara, age 12
“I thought that this weekend was amazing. The people are great, and the Spirit is moving through all of them. I had a great time, and I will definately be returning to volunteer.”
Mary, age 16
“Volunteering helped me to realize that God gives second chances to his children by gracing His daughters with husbands who respect their choices. He does wonderful things through this retreat by preparing His daughters to embrace His sons.”
Courtney, RTWW volunteer, age 25
“The Right to Wear White has helped me grow in many ways. The retreat has built up my self-confidence immensely throughout the years. I have learned to love myself, and to understand the importance of being a woman and the gift that I have to offer, when the time is right. It has caused an amazing group of people to come together and work towards a common goal that we all strongly believe in. I have made friendships along the way and hope to make many more in the future. I have been blessed with the ability to help young ladies learn that staying pure is through their mind, body and spirit, which is a hard thing to do in today’s society.”
Laura, RTWW volunteer, age 18
“Since I went through the Right to Wear White in 2005, a lot has happened in my life. I went through the retreat with my mother. She and I didn’t have the best relationship that a mother and daughter should have. Since going through [the retreat], our relationship has grown stronger and a little bit closer. There’s still things that we are working on, but it’s becoming better every day.
About a year later I started to date someone. I knew, though, that before I dated anyone, they would have to respect and treat me the way that I deserve to be treated; to like me for me, and not something that they want me to be. So when I started dating my boyfriend we talked and he knew that I am to be treated like a princess and that he needs to respect me. We talked about that if he wanted [a girlfriend who would] show the whole world what they got and leave nothing for just her husband to see, then we weren’t going to date.
In my opinion I believe that being modest is way more attractive than showing what you’ve got. You can still be stylish and be modest all at the same time. About 6 months after Daniel and I started dating we got engaged and we are getting married this summer. He knows that I’m very strong in my values and that will never change. Your life is valuable and you should believe that your life means something. Even if you have done things that you know that you shouldn’t, it’s ok because you can change your actions now.
Being pure till your married is worth the wait. I think so, anyways, because it’s special to be able to give your husband all of you, the way that God intended it to be. From going through the Right to Wear White I have learned this about myself and why I am to be pure for the man that I am to marry one day.”
Ashley, RTWW volunteer, age 22
“I came with our oldest daughter to the Right to Wear White weekend in 2007. I wore white on my wedding day; my husband and I by the grace of God celebrated our wedding day without shame to weigh us down. I wanted this for our daughters, and I wanted them to be better equipped than I was at their age. But I had an underlying fear that my girls would not be as strong as I was, and that they would fail. I never admitted that to anyone. I needed to attend this weekend maybe more than my daughter did. God confronted me with my fear and showed me through my own beautiful daughter that I first needed to trust Him to protect her where I could not, and second needed to trust her to stand by her own convictions. I was humbled as I saw my teen rise up to the challenge of being a young woman seeking after a life of obedience to her Heavenly Father. I no longer fear for her, but I respect her more instead.
Now my husband, daughters and I are working on bringing Right to Wear White to Ontario. I watch as my oldest daughter is enthusiastically helping to make this a reality, and I think ‘Cool! My teenager is enthusiastic about standing firm as God’s daughter! And she’s telling everyone!’ And…if I can help develop a network of support around our own kids on something so vital to their spiritual and emotional health, sure I’ll put on a retreat to accomplish that!”
Debbie, RTWW volunteer
“This retreat was real relationship builder with my daughters. We have become closer since, both to God and each other. The area of purity before marriage and confidence in self is well taught. I would recommend this weekend to anyone wanting to spend quality time with their girls while learning about God’s best for them.”
Lori, attendee mom